



【摘要】  【摘要】目的 研究护理干预对门诊盆腔炎患者心理状况的影响,以此为患者选择最佳护理方案。方法 选择我院门诊接收的100例盆腔炎患者作为研究对象,随机将100例盆腔炎患者分作对照组与观察组,分别实施常规护理与心理护理干预,各取50例,经过1个月护理干预后,对比不同护理措施后对两组心理状况的影响情况。

【关键字】  护理干预,门诊,盆腔炎,心理状况,影响,研究


[Abstract] Objective To study the effect of nursing intervention on the psychological status of outpatient patients with pelvic inflammatory disease, so as to select the best nursing program for patients. Method 100 patients with pelvic inflammation were selected as the research object. 100 patients with pelvic inflammation were randomly divided into the control group and the observation group. Routine nursing and psychological nursing intervention were carried out in 50 patients each. After one month of nursing intervention, the effects of different nursing measures on the psychological status of the two groups were compared. Result Before nursing, there was no difference in SAS and SDS scores between the two groups (P>0.05); after one month of nursing, SAS and SDS scores in the observation group were better than those in the control group, and there was significant difference in SAS and SDS scores between the two groups (P<0.05); the cure rate in the observation group was 94% higher than 74% in the control group, and there was significant difference in the therapeutic effect between the two groups (P<0.05);After nursing, the scores of quality of life (energy, pain, emotion, sleep, social activity, physical activity) of the observation group were better than the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05); the nursing service satisfaction of the observation group was 100% 80% higher than the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion Nursing intervention has a greater impact on the psychological status of outpatient patients with pelvic inflammatory disease. It can effectively improve the patients'anxiety, depression and other negative emotions, thereby improving the clinical treatment effect. It shows that psychological nursing intervention can reduce the impact of adverse psychology on pelvic inflammatory disease, better play the pharmacodynamic and psychological effects, and can be applied in clinical practice.

盆腔炎为妇科常见感染性疾病,具有反复发作、迁延不愈等特点,临床多表现出盆腔腹膜和周边结缔组织、生殖器官等炎症,会导致异位妊娠,甚至不孕不育等疾病,严重危害了女性的身心健康。慢性盆腔炎多为急性盆腔炎未彻底治愈[1],个别患者体质差等因素导致,给予常规的抗生素治疗不能取得理想的效果,不仅影响到女性个体,甚至对家庭、社会也会产生严重的不良影响。有研究发现,慢性盆腔炎在临床发病率达28%左右[2],在妇科炎症性疾病中占到第3位。此病发病原因比较复杂,治疗周期较长,患者因病情影响会产生自卑、焦虑、丧失治愈信心等不良情绪,从而影响病情的恢复[3]。本次研究中取门诊接收的100例盆腔炎患者分作两组,分别实施不同的护理干预措施,将护理结果进行对比,分析如下。 1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料:选择我院门诊2017年3月至2019年3月接收的100例盆腔炎患者作为研究对象,根据随机数字法,将100例盆腔炎患者分作对照组与观察组,各取50例。对照组年龄21~35岁,平均(26.2±2.1)岁;病程1~12个月,平均(9.2±1.8)月;文化程度:本科及以上8例,大专22例,高中10例,初中及以下10例;已婚40例,未婚10例;孕次1~3次,平均(1.31±0.62)次;观察组年龄22~35岁,平均(26.8±2.2)岁;病程1~12个月,平均(8.9±2.0)月;文化程度:本科及以上9例,大专23例,高中9例,初中及以下9例;已婚39例,未婚11例;孕次1~3次,平均(1.29±0.68)次;两组基础资料对比,无显著差异(P>0.05),具可比性。 纳入标准:入选所有对象均为我院门诊接收的患者,符合《妇产科学》第7版慢性盆腔炎相关诊断标准,均知情本次研究并签署同意书,经医院伦理委员会同意后分组研究。排除标准:排除了合并其他疾病的患者,精神障碍,资料不完整,不配合研究的患者。 1.2 方法:对照组与观察组实施相同治疗方案,由同组护士给予护理干预,心理状况评分从接受治疗第1日开始,根据SAS、SDS进行评估,再对护理后1个月对心理状态评分进行评估。其中对照组实施常规护理,指导盆腔炎患者经期、孕期、产褥期等不同时期需要注意的事项,对疼痛严重的患者应用止痛药,对已婚女性指导性生活中注意个人卫生,根据医嘱执行各项护理操作[4]。观察组在常规护理基础上增加护理干预措施,护理人员对患者实施一对一交流沟通,为患者静滴时、理疗时均密切观察患者的病情,使患者接受治疗过程中得到安全感,具体干预措施如下: