



【摘要】  采用L-8900型氨基酸自动分析仪,测定了红麻与大花白麻两种罗布麻叶中氨基酸的种类与含量。结果显示两种罗布麻叶中氨基酸的种类均较为丰富,均含有16种氨基酸,两种罗布麻叶所含人体必需氨基酸总量与药效氨基酸总量占氨基酸总含量的比例基本一致,红麻的氨基酸总含量为11.82 g•(100 g) -1, 显著高于大花白麻的氨基酸总含量6.86 g•(100 g) -1,结果表明红麻的食用及药用价值高于大花白麻。

【关键字】  红麻,大花白麻,氨基酸


Abstract The amino acid contents in Apocynum venetum L and Poacynum hendersonii (Hook.f.) Woodson were determined and analyzed by using L-8900 amino acid analyzer. It was found that Apocynum venetum L and Poacynum hendersonii (Hook.f.) Woodson all contain sixteen kinds of amino acids, and the contents of essential amino acids and medicinal amino acids in the total amino acids were similar. The total contents of amino acids was 11.82 g•(100 g) -1 in Apocynum venetum L,which was significantly higher than the total contents of amino acids was 6.86 g•(100 g) -1 in Poacynum hendersonii (Hook.f.) Woodson. The result showed that Apocynum venetum L has the higher edible value and medical value than Poacynum hendersonii (Hook.f.) Woodson.

罗布麻属夹竹桃科,直立半灌木,高约1.5-3m,别名野麻、红麻、茶叶花,吉吉麻,野茶,泽漆麻、罗布欢的尔(维吾尔名)。主要生长于盐碱荒地、沙漠边缘、戈壁荒滩及河流周围。新疆是罗布麻的主要产区,罗布麻有三个品种,红麻,白麻和大花白麻,其资源可供开发利用者为红麻和大花白麻。[1] 现代医学证明罗布麻主要含有:黄酮类化合物、强心苷、氨基酸、多种微量元素等。[2]具有平肝安神,清热利水的作用,可用于治疗肝阳眩晕,心悸失眠,浮肿尿少,高血压,神经衰弱,肾炎浮肿。[3] 本试验采用L-8900氨基酸自动分析仪测定红麻与大花白麻两种罗布麻叶中氨基酸的含量差异,为新疆罗布麻叶资源的开发利用提供基础性研究资料。